Wednesday 9 January 2013

Thank Hashem for the small mercies

Today I had a hard day. I overslept. I had no work for most of the day (I am self employed so no work means no money). During my learning session with my chavrusa I got pulled into a discussion, so we hardly learnt anything. In short, I was neither fulfilled begashmiyus nor berochniyus.

In addition I had to fork out a sizable amount of cash to some Goy whose car I'd hit on Friday. It was late before Shabbos and I backed out of a narrow driveway into his car. BH there was no major damage, but his wing mirror got broken and would need replacing. I gave him my business card and asked him to call me after Shabbos so I got sort it out privately with cash, thus saving me higher insurance premiums in the next few years.

Monday afternoon he called me and said he got a quote for close to $450 - a ridiculous amount of money for a simple mirror of a low budget car. I told him I'll have the money for him on Wednesday, and meanwhile I asked around for some quotes myself. The most expensive one I got was still over $100 cheaper than his and I told him so.

His reply: Fine, I'll just do it through my insurance.

While I could legally fight it and insist on getting it fixed for less, I decided that it was just not worth the hassle (and risk of losing), so I paid up. I'm very tight on cash at the moment so I had to transfer money from a savings account in order to pay, but I hadn't much choice.

Then my cellphone fell down - but first some background info...

About 6 weeks ago I signed a two year cell phone whereby I received a free top-of-the-range smartphone. I'd only been using it for a few weeks when it fell into the bath. I fished it out and left it to dry, and luckily it was still working without any problems.

For two weeks. Then the mic stopped working. So I could use it for all the other uses one has for a smartphone, except I couldn't talk into it. I sent it back to the company, but they claimed it was water-damaged and so not covered under the warranty. What's more, since the mic is part of the electronics board they can't just replace it. Basically my only option was to buy a new phone.

I decided to use it meanwhile with a bluetooth earpiece (as it was working perfectly except for the mic), while I explore my options. Today, after it fell down, the mic suddenly started working again.

Boruch Hashem.

The loud and clear message I received, and which I'm now sharing with you, is: In the most difficult times Hashem will 'smile' at you and bestow small mercies, just so you remember He is there with you, looking out for you.

Even though I deserved to be punished (otherwise none of this would have happened), Hashem wanted me to remember and take note that He still loves me and is always here for me.

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