Thursday 24 January 2013

I will show my wonders...

Imagine for one moment what the Yidden felt when they were standing before the Yam Suf. The way forward was barred by the vast sea, whereas from behind the mighty Egyptian army, hell bent on revenge, was coming closer by the moment. The helplessness the Yidden must have felt is indescribable.

However all that changed in an eye blink. Moishe Rabeinu split the sea and the Yidden suddenly had a way out. Not only that but the miraculous escape route was a death trap for their pursuers. What previously seemed like a doomed situation, where even thinking about salvation seemed inappropriate, was turned about 180 degrees.

We must remember that no matter how bleak things look, Hashem's salvation can come swifter than an eye blink. As the prophet Michah (מיכה ז) said כימי צאתך מארץ מצרים אראנו נפלאות - I will show you wondrous miracles in the same way as I did when you left Egypt.

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