Saturday 5 January 2013

Letting Hashem see us

When the Yidden in Miztrayim suffered the most horrendous tortures imaginable (the evil Pharoah used to bathe in the blood of Yiddishe babies), the posuk tell us ויאנחו בני ישראל מן העבודה ותעל שועתם אל האלקים מן העבודה - they cried out because of their hard work, and their cries of pain due to their slave-labour rose up before the Almighty, who then sent Moishe Rabeinu to redeem them.

The Ohr Hachaim (as do other other meforshim) points out a very important detail. The posuk doesn't tell us that the Yidden cried out to Hashem, and certainly there is no mention of tfilah. From this he deduces that they did not cry out in prayer nad their tears were not of supplication; they were just cries and tears of pain. The Yidden were crying because of their terrible hardship, as one groans in pain, and that was enough to invoke the heavenly mercies and bring forth their geulah.

The Ohr Hachaim writes כי ראיית ה' במצטער תועיל להסרת הצער - when Hashem sees someone's pain that in itself is enough to help bring relief, כי הוא רחמן ומרחם ורחמיו על כל מעשיו - for Hashem is a merciful One, who shows mercy, and His mercy reaches all beings.

Kavyochol is so merciful that He cannot bear to see when one of His creations is in pain, and for that alone He will relieve the pain, even though that person isn't deserving and didn't even daven for help.

However there is a caveat. When Hashem does want to punish someone He turns away His Face (kavyochol) so as not to see the pain. The Ohr Hachaim adds that indeed we find when Hashem is angry at the Yidden He hides His Face (הסתר אסתיר פני), in order to punish them.

There are two practical points we can take from this beautiful and comforting Ohr Hachaim:

1. In times of pain ch"v one must cry out to Hashem. Even if one is unfortunately in a position where Hashem has turned away, when one cries out to Hashem the posuk tells us קרוב ה' לכל קוראיו - Hashem is close to all who call Him. By crying out to Hashem we get His attention kavyochol, and that alone can bring forth the awaited relief.

2. There is one aveiroh for which the Torah says ושב מאחריך - Hashem will turn away from you, and that is immorality. When one isn't careful in areas of immorality they lose the great protection of Hashem's attention, and all that it entails.

So in order to reap the full benefits from Hashem's mercy one must be free from aveiros of immorality (tshuva helps, of course!), and call out to the Almighty so He sees our pain.

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