Tuesday 1 January 2013

Is it not somewhat of a contradiction?

In some posts we focused on Hashem's boundless love and our unbreakable connection to Him, yet in this one we discussed at length how Hashem will not let even the slightest slight slide; how to these two concepts go hand-in-hand?

The answer is that we must differentiate between the 'before' and 'after'. When a person is faced with a nisoyon (so-to-speak 'before' he sins) he must bear in mind that Hashem is a א-ל קנא - a zealous G-d who demands the utmost dedication and is exacting in His reckoning.

This knowledge should comprise the 'stick' in our battles with the Yh"r (the 'carrot' is the positive focus on what this means to Kavyochol), to help us overcome it.

If, however, rachmana litzlon (G-d forbid), one does stumble and fall prey to the Yh"r he/she is then most vulnerable to the Yetzer's second instalment in his one-two knockout-punch attack - atzvus (depression and resignation). That is when the focus on our inseverable connection to Hashem comes in.

A Yid must always remember, even after chalila committing the gravest of sins, that there is always a way back, and the stronger one wants to return the shorter the path.

When tempted by the Yh"r one must counter with fear of Hashem but when the Yh"r tries to drag one down into the abyss of aztvus, focusing on Hashem's love to His People is the proper antidote.

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