Thursday 17 January 2013

Menashe's lesson

We read in Menashe's story how he argued that if Hashem won't help he'll claim that 'all deities (lehavdil) are the same'. Upon reflection, it is extremely difficult to comprehend Menashe's argument, and even more so why Hashem accepted it.

On the surface we might say to Menashe, "Look, for so many years you worshipped all kinds of idols; now that you are in trouble go to them! And if they can't help you don't come demanding Hashem helps you, because you just don't deserve it. At the most you might come crawling humbly and beg Hashem for His salvation, with the clear understanding that He might not grant you request, but what right do you have to demand His help in such a brazen way?"

I once heard Rav Shimshon Pincus Ztz"l explain this as follows (I have since heard that it might be an איזשביצער ווארט):

Menashe was teaching us a beautiful idea that is as deep as it is powerful. He said, "Hashem, I know that there's a good chance you won't want to help me because I've sinned so much and for so long. However, if this is true that means it is possible for someone to sin so much that there is no way he can be saved. If so, this means that there is a limit and a boundary to Kavyochol's mercy and kindness. In that case there really is no difference between the deities (lehavdil).

"The G-d that my father taught me about is an Omnipotent One with endless and boundless mercy and forgiveness. If there turns out to be a limit to Kavyochol's mercy, then indeed the only difference between Him and lehavdil the impotent idols is the range of His mercy, but at the core essence they are chalilah the same."

Hashem heard this powerful argument and He agreed. He said, "I have to accept Menashe's prayer, to show that indeed there are no limits or boundaries to my mercy and forgiveness. I am truly Omnipotent with neither beginning or end."

This idea is so deep that even the malochim couldn't understand it, and they tried to block Menashe's tfilah, but Hashem disagreed and 'dug' a special tunnel via which He listened to Menashe and sent His salvation.

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