Saturday 29 December 2012

Does Hashem 'need' our mitzvos?

I was asked the following: why does Hashem 'need' us humans to serve Him, after all He has plenty of malochim?
Excellent question but you stopped too early; let's move it further back: Since Hashem is omnipotent, how is it possible that He derives any pleasure from our deeds? In fact, since He does not lack for anything, why even ask of us to do something as if it matters to Him?
The truth is that Hashem indeed doesn't lack anything and it is impossible for anyone to 'give' any kind of sustenance or pleasure to the Kol Yochol (Omnipotent One). However, Hashem, in His infinite mercy that we cannot in a million years fathom with our limited mortal minds, wanted to give human beings the privelege of 'pleasing' Him.
With this goal Hashem created a world with human beings who constantly struggle against temptation and the yh"r in all forms, so we should be able to 'earn' the right to bring pleasure to Kavyochol. Since Hashem designed the world for this tachlis, He actually receives pleasure when we do His will, and the greater the nisoyon the greater His pleasure.
In short, this privelege and honour of being able to please Hashem is in itself (one of) His greatest acts of kindness to mankind, and He set it out so that He truly derives pleasure from our good deeds.

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